
Liliana Glenn


“Glass is a wonderful medium for synthesizing, conceptualizing and articulating the way I notice light as it engages natural beauty around us. I’m drawn to color in glass and its inevitable encounter with light and its wearer.”

Art glass beads, small vessels, art glass jewelry - Liliana Glenn's contemporary glass creations embody metaphor and playful improvisation rooted in precise technique. To Liliana, the transparent possibilities of glass honor the transient nature of experience and memory, encouraging a lightness of being and resisting fixed interpretations through infinite possibilities.

Liliana creates all her glass objects in a torch flame with a glass rod in hand by winding onto a steel rod and often blowing into a steel pipe to create hollow beads and vessels. Coils of Argentium and sterling silver wire are the primary materials with which Liliana creates components for her jewelry collection. The vessel necklace is the closest to her heart as it is always one of a kind and its origins lie in close relationships with customers who are often in need of emotional relief.

Liliana’s work ethic comes from a culture of necessity and beauty. Originally from Moldova, she grew up surrounded by handmade objects imbued with care, technique and beauty. She discovered glass while living in the US and her passion for the process of both glass and self-discovery is now her everyday life. Mostly self-taught, Liliana has been a designer, maker and teacher for the last 15 years.

Liliana’s work has been published in Art Glass Magazine and books including 1000 Glass Beads, 1000 Beads and Showcase 500 Beaded Jewelry.