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Jacqueline Brodnitzki

Author & Coach

Jacqueline is a consultant, executive coach, author, speaker and President of Conscious Success LLC. She launched the firm in 2009 to help companies infuse their service teams with renewed energy and empower them to be more productive and handle difficult situations professionally and with less stress. Jacqueline combines over 15 years of corporate management and training expertise with nine years of teaching and coaching of mindfulness and stress reduction techniques.

​​Conscious Success clients realize significant cost savings due to dramatically reduced attrition, absenteeism and medical care claims. Clients' employees are less stressed, more engaged and stay employed longer. Through coaching, she helps clients tap into their true potential. They experience greater calm, while increasing effectiveness at work and at home. Clients appreciate her quick assessment, clear recommendations and accurate, informative and inspirational coaching. Jacqueline is a Motivation Factor® Certified Practitioner and a member of the Hay Group Accredited Network.

​​She is licensed to administer the Hay Group's Emotional and Social Competency Inventory. Accreditation ensures skill in providing feedback in the Emotional Intelligence competencies that impact business performance. She has published two virtual courses called Master Your Life and Peak Performance Program and the following books and CDs:

​​Books: - Awaken Your Inner Radiance - Conscious Success: The 5-Step Process To Dissolve Stress Increase Productivity And Find Your Flow At Work CDs: - Inner Balance: Guided Meditations To Bring Balance and Calm - Inner Balance: A Guided Hatha Yoga Practice